vince martin, digital artist
After decades of working in the industry, I feel like I've nearly seen it all and done it all when it comes to the challenges of advertising graphics. Give me a 'problem file' that won't print, and I'm like a dog with a bone until I figure out what's wrong with it. I'll settle for workarounds if time is short, but I'm never really satisfied until I solve the mystery. And if at all possible, I'll take the shortest, fastest route from point 'A' to point 'B', thank you very much.
Want to emphasize (or de-emphasize) something in a photograph? I'm your man. Need a lot of text and/or graphics to fit into a weird space or dimensions? Been there, done that. In the early 90's, I was setting type by hand, with an X-acto knife, a grid, and hot wax (before computers and software made that task infinitely faster and more efficient). Talk about a background that makes one appreciate the digital era we enjoy today...